
Section 1: Hormonal Imbalance

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Insulin Hormone

Chapter 3: Estrogen Hormone

Chapter 4: Cortisol Hormone

Chapter 5: Thyroid Hormone

Chapter 6: Ghrelin & Leptin Hormones

Chapter 7: Testosterone Hormone

Chapter 8: Growth Hormone

Chapter 9: Melatonin

Chapter 10: Adiponectin

Section 2: Medications:

Chapter 11: Antidepressant Medications

Chapter 12: Antipsychotic Medications

Chapter 13: Anti-Histamine Medications

Chapter 14: AntiHypertensives (Beta-Blockers)

Chapter 15: Birth Control Pills

Chapter 16: Corticosteroids

Chapter 17: Diabetes Medications

Chapter 18: Seizure Medications

Weight Loss Resistance: When Diet & Exercise Alone
Are Not Enough to Lose Weight. Why You’re
Not Losing Weight… and You Won’t Until

Still can’t lose weight even when following good diet & exercise? Ever wondered why some people lose weight so effortlessly while others are breaking their backs in the gym with not so much to show?

In this detailed guide, we are going to discover why it seems so easy for some people to effortlessly lose weight while others seem to struggle, even with a healthy diet and exercise.

Sounds Familiar?

Discover hormones, diseases, medications and even cosmetics that can make weight loss difficult or what we call, Weight Loss Resistance.

Some of us are still struggling even with different weight loss programs like, keto, HIIT, Detox, just to mention a few.


We will learn:

  1. Effects of estrogen hormone imbalance in weight loss resistance. How imbalanced estrogen affects appetite, fat deposit, and belly fat… and a simple fix that works. How this simple fix could solve not only weight issues but also MOST women health issues like fibroids, infertility & painful monthly periods
  2. Effects of Thyroid hormone – the metabolism control hormone in weight loss. How this hormone could be the difference between struggling with weight loss and achieving your dream shape
  3. One hormone scientists call – the DEATH hormone and its role in Weight Loss Resistance.This hormone causes belly fat, poor sleep, hair loss, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, just to mention a few. Discover simple methods of fixing it for optimal weight loss – especially belly fat.
  4. The Hunger hormones that keep us hungry –even when we have eaten enough. Discover how to control these two hormones without any medicine or supplements – the fix will surprise you.
  5. Exercises that are more likely to hurt you before they help you lose belly fat. HINT! Sit-ups is one of them. Learn which exercises are best for burning and melting belly fat like butter on fire!
  6. Why you should NOT do DETOX programs – unless you follow this method –else you are likely to mess up the killer hormone above. Yes – careful with detox diets.
  7. Medications that cause weight gain & Weight Loss Resistance. These are so notorious – some even causes men to have boobs. When you see them, you will know them!
  8. Your supplement Guide to overcoming weight loss resistance –How to fix most of these factors that make weight loss nearly impossible – and nothing will change until you FIX THEM one by one!

These are the same simple fixes some of the most successful health consultants recommend for their high ticket clients – and you’ll learn them – Free.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Hormones that Affect Weight Loss Efforts
  3. Medications That Cause Weight Gain/Weight Loss Resistance
    • Chapter 11: Antidepressant Medications
    • Chapter 12: Antipsychotic Medications
    • Chapter 13: Anti-Histamine Medications
    • Chapter 14: AntiHypertensives (Beta-Blockers)
    • Chapter 15: Birth Control Pills
    • Chapter 16: Corticosteroids
    • Chapter 17: Diabetes Medications
    • Chapter 18: Seizure Medications
  4. Habits that Affect Weight Loss Efforts
    1. Stressful jobs & Relationships
    2. Working at night (night shift workers)
    3. Poor sleep patterns & lack of enough sleep
    4. Fad diets, Crash diets & Detox programs
    5. Poor eating habits & wrong foods
  5. Diseases & Condition that Cause Weight Gain
    1. Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s Disease
    2. Diabetes & Insulin Resistance
    3. Depression
    4. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
    5. Cushing’s Syndrome
    6. Menopause or Perimenopausal 
  6. Diseases & Condition that Cause Weight Gain
    1. Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s Disease
    2. Diabetes & Insulin Resistance
    3. Depression
    4. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
    5. Cushing’s Syndrome
    6. Menopause or Perimenopausal 
  7. Medications That Cause Weight Gain
    1. Antidepressants
    2. Antipsychotic drugs
    3. Steroids
    4. Anti-seizure (epilepsy) medications
    5. Antihypertensives (Beta Blockers)
  8. Best Exercises for Weight Loss & Belly Fat
    1. High-Intensity Intermittent Training (HIIT)
    2. Cardio Exercises
    3. Weight & Resistance Exercises
  9. Weight Loss Supplements Guide
    1. Supplements for Hypothyroidism 
    2. Supplements for PCOS
    3. Supplements for Diabetes & Insulin Resistance
    4. Supplements for High Cortisol
    5. Sleep supplements
  10. Legal Disclaimer
  11. Author’s Thoughts

Chapter 1: Introduction

Weight loss is a struggle for millions of people all over the world. As a matter of fact, the number of overweight women seems to be increasing with the years.

While a substantial portion of this group can attribute their condition to genetics, scientific studies show that a majority are as a result of lifestyle practices.

…And can be corrected – Naturally

It is worth noting that more and more women are becoming aware of the dangers of obesity. The number of women exercising seems larger than men, active step women are taking toward reversing obesity.

This has, however, brought with it fresh challenges. Many seem to be dieting and exercising just as much as anyone else but the results just don’t show.

Weight Loss plateaus that seem nearly impossible to break are not uncommon. Backed by reviews of scientific studies, this book, “Why You Are Not Losing Weight”, explores the different reasons why this could be happening.

We will go through a systematic and in-depth discussion of weight loss ceilings.

From all the hormones involved and workouts to foods and medications that play different roles in body fat storage and usage.  The guide is the most comprehensive overview of – why you are not losing weight!


Hormones That Negatively Affect
Weight Loss or Causes Weight Gain

There are several hormones that are known to affect weight loss. These hormones must remain in perfect balance in order to lose weight.

Without correcting these hormones, it might seem impossible to lose weight, or you gain back weight as soon as you lose it. We’ll also see how these hormones are interconnected. These are:

  1. Insulin Hormone
  2. Estrogen Hormone
  3. Cortisol Hormone
  4. Thyroid Hormone
  5. Ghrelin & Leptin Hormones
  6. Testosterone Hormone 
  7. Growth Hormone
  8. Melatonin Hormone
  9. Progesterone Hormone
  10. Adiponectin Hormone

Chapter 2: Insulin Hormone

Insulin effects on weight loss

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas (1). Insulin helps our bodies utilize sugars that we consume in the diet (1).

A condition in which the body (pancreas) does not produce any insulin is called Type 1 Diabetes (2)

A condition where our body does not produce enough insulin is called Type 2 diabetes (3)

A condition where our body produced enough insulin but our cells fail to recognize it or utilize it effectively is called Insulin Resistance. (4)

Type 1 Diabetes: Diabetes Insipidus

In Type 1 diabetes, due to lack of insulin to break down glucose, the body tends to break down fat (which does not require insulin) as a source of energy. When fat is broken down, one of the byproducts is called Ketone sugars.

Due to the inability of utilizing glucose/sugars/carbohydrates effectively and the body uses fats instead, people with type one diabetes tend to be thin.

Without getting regular insulin injections or the use of an insulin pump, type 1 diabetes clients would die due to rapid break down of fats and high concentration of Ketone, a condition we call Diabetic Ketoacidosis (5).

Type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes Mellitus

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas is producing insulin but not enough. This causes poor utilization of sugars/glucose/carbohydrates. When the body cannot effectively utilize carbohydrates, they are converted and stored as fat (6,7).

This is the reason why most (maybe all) of anyone you know with Type 2 diabetes are overweight.

Insulin Resistance:

This is the commonest cause of weight gain where insulin hormone is the culprit. To explain insulin resistance, I will use an analogy of a tap, regulating water flow in and out of a dam.

Assume insulin produced by the pancreas is the messenger – being sent to open the tap so water can flow

Assume the cell gateways that let insulin enter the cells is the tap

Assume the cells are the dam where water is coming to.

So, the boss sends the messenger (insulin) to go open the tap (insulin receptors on the cell) but when the messenger tries to open, he finds that the tap is so difficult to open.

Takes too long struggling to open the tap (some water is passing but not much) and the boss keeps sending more people to help open the clogged tap (more insulin).  Water continues to accumulate since the tap is not working as it should.

As a result, there is more and more insulin produced but the utilization in the cells is poor. The effect is elevated blood sugar but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This is what we call, Pre- Diabetes. The commonest sign is Acanthosis Nigricans.

If you have insulin hormone irregularities like we found out, it is very difficult to lose weight.

Chapter 3: Estrogen Hormone

Estrogen Hormone is the hormone that is responsible for almost all female features. Most health and beauty issues in a woman have a direct or indirect connection with the estrogen hormone.

How Estrogen Affect Weight Loss

When the body has low, normal or high estrogen but little or no progesterone to counter the effects of estrogen, the condition is medically called Estrogen Dominance.

Effects of Estrogen Dominance:

The image below shows signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance

Notice so many weight loss related factors in the table above. Here are the ones that cause weight gain or difficult to lose weight when estrogen is imbalanced:

  1. Depression and anxiety
  2. Polycystic ovaries (PCOS)
  3. Slow metabolism
  4. Weight Gain

Estradiol (One of the 3 types of Estrogen) controls appetite & weight loss

Most women will probably agree that they get food cravings (especially sweet and salty) right before or during periods. This is around the time when estrogen levels (estradiol) are low.

Low estradiol levels have been shown to increase appetite and hunger (8)

One animal study showed that when rats are injected with estradiol (a type of estrogen) over a period of time, their body weight normalized, regulated their feeding habits and became more sexually receptive (9).

Imbalanced Estrogen PCOS Connection

Ovaries are active in regulating the development and function of the female reproductive system; as well as the mammary tissue during pregnancy and lactation.

Estrogen levels are especially high during the years from puberty to Menopause and are controlled by regular physiological processes like the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

PCOS is a medical condition where there are multiple cysts developing in the ovaries.

There are a number of causes of PCOS, most of which are related to insulin resistance as well as metabolic imbalances. PCOS is also caused by Adrenal Fatigue through its association with estrogen dominance.

This is a situation whereby the body’s estrogen level is higher than it should be with little or no progesterone hormone to counter its effects.

While estrogen is essential for the growth of the female body, excessive estrogen can cause fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids, and endometriosis.

TIP: Look for cruciferous vegetable extracts like DIM, Broccolli extract to help the liver get rid of bad and excess estrogen.

Chapter 4: Cortisol Hormone

Cortisol Hormone is popularly known as the Death Hormone or the Stress Hormone. Cortisol hormone is produced by adrenal glands located in on the kidneys (10).

It is a steroid hormone in a classification of hormones called glucocorticoid hormones.

Sounds like Glucose? – Yes… when we have high glucocorticoids, our blood sugar goes up, even if we are taking steroid medications like prednisone or prednisolone.

Cortisol & Weight Gain

High cortisol (See Cushing’s Syndrome), just like Estrogen can directly or indirectly cause weight gain. Cortisol is more specifically known for causing belly fat among other symptoms(1112, 13).

When we are stressed either physically, emotionally or metabolically, the adrenal glands release more cortisol hormone. When our bodies are exposed to constant high levels of cortisol hormone, the resultant condition is called Cushing’s Syndrome.

Cortisol is supposed to prepare us for worst-case scenarios like starvation or fight or flight mode.

Physical and emotional stressors like abusive relationships can dramatically increase cortisol levels (14) and subsequent weight gain.

How Cortisol Causes Weight Gain?

When cortisol levels increase, the body goes into a self-preservation mode. It is as if the body is preparing for the worst. We’ll look at example situations perfect for weight gain.

Extreme Dieting

Ever heard that dieting can actually make you gain weight? It is true (15).

When you stay hungry or nutrient deficiency, the brain senses the deficiency. A gland called pituitary gland located in the brain commands increased production of cortisol hormone.

Cortisol starts converting every carbohydrate (glucose) into fat. Specifically, brown fat that is only found in the midsection of the body (trunk).

It also starts breaking down muscles (proteins) and converting them into brown fat.

Think about someone with thin muscles and fat trunk (midsection).


Ever heard fitness experts saying you shouldn’t train every day? That you should give your body time to “heal”?

Extreme physical training is not any different than being sick or being in an accident in the eyes of the cortisol hormone. It will put your body in self-preservation mode by secreting high doses of cortisol.

Think about someone with thin muscles but has trunk/belly fat or midsection obesity.👇

The High Cortisol-Insulin-Insulin Resistance Connection

Earlier, we discussed the insulin hormone and touched insulin resistance. We then found out that Cortisol is the stress hormone.

It is there to react and adapt your body to action states (flight or fight) or stress. It helps regulate energy (glucose).

When our cortisol goes low, we become fatigued because our ability to mobilize glucose is impaired(16). This can greatly affect our ability to deal with stressful situations.

When we are under constant stress, the cortisol levels will increase to break own muscles into glucose and then into fat. This cascade of events requires more and more insulin production.

Remember what we said Insulin resistance is?

When the body is producing too much insulin consistently, our cells develop some kind of numbness towards it.

This prompts the body to make even more and more insulin in hopes of pushing glucose into the cells.

Do you see how high cortisol causes high insulin production? But unlike in situations where we too much sugar, causing more insulin production, in this case, it is the high cortisol levels liberating sugars by breaking down muscles.

We said Cortisol is a steroid. Steroids help in reducing pain and inflammation(17). Specifically, we said glucocorticoid hormones increase blood sugar levels.

High blood sugar levels demand more and more insulin. See Glucocorticoid induced Insulin resistance Research.

Bottom Line: Cortisol increases blood sugar levels by breaking down muscles and later converting them into brown fat deposited in the midsection. High cortisol level can induce insulin resistance. Avoiding stress, extreme dieting and overtraining can help keep cortisol levels low.

Chapter 5: Thyroid Hormone

Your thyroid hormone is critical for your health and a lot of women have thyroid problems and they don’t even know it.

Thyroid hormone is secreted by the thyroid gland, located around the neck. When the thyroid gland is overworking trying to produce enough hormone, it may swell, causing a condition called goiter.

The thyroid controls body metabolism. If it’s working slowly, the metabolism consequently slows down.

When the metabolism is low, it means that we burn fewer calories than we should. This, in turn, increases the risk of obesity and diabetes.

According to studies done by United Nations, World Health Organization, & American Thyroid Association,  thyroid disease affects almost one in five women and almost one in ten men; yet, 50% of the time, women with Thyroid Disease go undiagnosed by their doctor.

See Hypothyroidism under diseases that make it hard to lose weight.

Chapter 6: Ghrelin & Leptin Hormones

There are times when hormones control how we interact with food, a lot of times.

Ghrelin & Leptin are called hunger & satiety hormones. They make us sense hunger and also senses when we are full. These are interesting hormones

Read on.

Ghrelin is produced by the walls of the stomach. It signals the brain to eat – causes hunger feeling  (181920)

Leptin is a mediator of long-term regulation of energy balance, suppressing food intake and thereby inducing weight loss. Ghrelin, on the other hand, is a fast-acting hormone, seemingly playing a role in meal initiation (21).

Leptin hormone is produced by the fat cells. Most obese people tend to have high leptin levels but their brain receptors fail to recognize/sense the hormone. It is believed that this is one of the leading causes of obesity today (22)

Bottom Line: Ghrelin is produced by walls of the stomach, telling the brain we are hungry – we need to eat, as the walls of the stomach shrink – when hungry. Leptin tells the body we have enough fat storage and we do not need to eat anymore (23)

Keep Reading… Simple fix that can regulate these hormones, making you eat less and lose weight

Chapter 7: Testosterone Hormone

Testosterone hormone in men is produced by the testicles. In women, it is produced in small quantities by the ovaries (24)

Low testosterone in men causes

  • decreased sex drive
  • less energy
  • weight gain
  • Decreased muscle mass to fat ratio (more fat than muscles)
  • feelings of depression
  • moodiness
  • low self-esteem
  • less body hair
  • thinner bones

Low testosterone levels in women are not as problematic as it is in men. However, low testosterone, specifically DHEA-s Hormone has a huge effect on the quality of female eggs and can cause infertility.

Supplementing with the right dosage and the right frequency can help women with low egg quality conceive.

As we get older, testosterone levels start to decrease. Additionally, we get an increase in the Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) (25).

Basically, what happens is that SHBG holds on to a lot of the testosterone that is available and locks it up. This leaves us with smaller amounts of testosterone. So how does this correlate with fat accumulation?

Low SHBG can be related to

  • Obesity

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Acromegaly, or too much growth hormone.

There’s an obvious and direct correlation between testosterone and energy. Low testosterone slows down the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbs. It slows down that entire process making it difficult to lose weight and burn fat.

Lower levels of testosterone affect lipid oxidation in the cell (26).  Supplementation with testosterone or testosterone booster supplements increases muscle mass and makes lipid oxidation faster (27).

This explains why bodybuilders use testosterone boosting supplements to gain muscle mass and shed off fat.

Want to Know more?

Normally, our bodies use glucose for energy. When we start depriving ourselves of glucose (carbohydrates) or when we start exercising intensely, glucose levels drop and the body starts using fat as the source of fuel.

If lipid oxidation is not functioning properly due to low testosterone, it becomes difficult or impossible to use stored fat as a source of energy, ultimately leaving fat deposits untapped.

Earlier, we talked about insulin resistance as a reason weight loss can be difficult. Remember the story about the jammed water valve? Low testosterone levels worsen insulin resistance.

Supplementing with testosterone increases insulin sensitivity at the cellular level and it is well documented by the American Diabetes Association (2829)

Low Testosterone & Estrogen link

Remember we said high estrogen levels can cause weight gain and male boobs?

When our testosterone levels are low and our bodies are running predominantly on glucose because fat oxidation is difficult. Stored fat remains stored and cannot be burnt.

This fat causes an enzymatic response (Aromatase inhibitor) that makes the testosterone to convert into estrogen, specifically, estradiol – the good female estrogen. Fat contains an enzyme called aromatase. If you have relatively low levels of testosterone, your fat stores will convert testosterone via aromatase into estradiol (an estrogen). This is symptomized as:

  • Moodiness
  • Fatigue
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Male boobs (Gynecomastia)

Now This Makes Sense!

Low testosterone causes more body fat to be stored, cannot be oxidized (burned).

More body fat means more conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

High estrogen in males or low testosterone in males causes female-like features (Male boobs) and fat accumulation.

More fat accumulation means more conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

It is a vicious cycle.

Bottom line: Low testosterone hormone has an effect on insulin effectiveness (can reverse insulin resistance). It also has a direct effect on estrogen levels in males. High estrogen in males causes erectile dysfunction (low libido) and accumulation of fat. It makes it hard to lose weight.

DHEA Blocks Cortisol

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a steroid hormone that is closely related to testosterone. In fact, most people tend to confuse it as testosterone.

DHEA is needed (precursor) for synthesis (making) of almost all sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen hormones.

It is available as an over the counter supplement and one of the best libido enhancing supplements and as an anti-aging supplement.

DHEA has been shown to block cortisol and lower cortisol levels in the body (31). One study found out that supplementing with DHEA significantly lowered circulating cortisol levels (31).

Remember we said cortisol is also called the death or stress hormone?

DHEA is the precursor to testosterone and estrogen. It helps the body regulate how much of these hormones are produced.

If we focus on regulating testosterone or estrogen, a lot of times we can throw our natural system out of whack.

It’s therefore important to focus on DHEA at first so that your body can self regulate and start to balance out what needs to be balanced out.

It will eventually normalize testosterone and estrogen levels.

Bottom line: It is better to monitor and supplement with DHEA for low testosterone or take testosterone boosting supplements than to mess around with testosterone itself.

Chapter 8: Growth Hormone

Growth Hormone, like the name suggests, is required for us to grow in physical size to adult size.

Our bodies secrete high levels of growth hormone up to 25 years of age and then the levels decline. Growth hormone has a primary role in regulating metabolism, fat burning, and development of bones.

Lack of enough growth hormone leads to dwarfism.

Excess growth hormone during growth years (less than 25) causes a condition called gigantism (Giants)

Excess growth hormone after physical growth age causes a condition called acromegaly

Growth Hormone & Weight/Fat Loss

Fat cells (adipocytes) have growth hormone receptors, and growth hormone stimulates them to break down triglyceride and suppresses their ability to take up and accumulate circulating lipids (32).

In fat metabolism, Growth hormone enhances the utilization of fat by stimulating triglyceride breakdown and oxidation in adipocytes (32).

Growth Hormone Connection to Insulin Resistance

Growth hormone is one of the key hormones that serve to maintain blood glucose within a normal range.

How? Growth hormone has anti-insulin activity because it suppresses the abilities of insulin to stimulate the uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues and enhance glucose synthesis in the liver (333435).

Remember the story about water taps and the dam?

Meaning – high growth hormone causes overproduction of insulin while making it harder for insulin to stimulate the entry of glucose into the cell.

Somewhat paradoxically, administration of growth hormone stimulates insulin secretion, leading to hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance.

See the analogy about Insulin

Bottom line: While growth hormone seems to accelerate fat burning, excessive growth hormone can increase circulating insulin, leading to insulin resistance.

Chapter 9: Melatonin Hormone

Melatonin From Pineal Gland

Knowing about Melatonin might just make you smile thinking… Aha! finally, it all makes sense, a lot of sense.

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone produced by a gland, connected to our vision nerve (optic) located in our brain called Pineal Gland. Melatonin plays a vital role in sleep and wake state. It is our natural sleep and wake switch.

Melatonin production and release in the brain is related to the time of day, rising in the evening and falling in the morning. Light at night blocks its production.

Bottom line: It is the reason why we fall asleep when darkness come in and wake up in the morning. Night shift workers have a big problem –Keep reading

Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin supplements have been used for many years for sleep disorders, especially related to: –

  1. Jet lag
  2. Night shift workers
  3. Problems falling asleep
  4. Problems staying asleep

Effects of Melatonin on Weight Loss

Many researches have shown that people who get less than 8 hours of sleep (at night) have problems losing weight, even with low-calorie diet and exercise

One research showed that supplementing with melatonin was effective in weight reduction in menopausal and postmenopausal women (36).

In animal studies, there was a significant fat reduction with melatonin supplementation (R) even without sleep deprivation.

Another research found out that melatonin production and sleep pattern has a direct effect on pancreas secretion of insulin and development of diabetes (37 38 39).

It is interesting to note that the time of the day that you sleep means a lot as far as weight loss is concerned.

This explains why health and wellness consultants advice you should get a minimum of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night.

Sleeping during the day is a different case altogether. Even in a darkened room, melatonin is the hormone that controls our biological clock, or what we call the circadian rhythm (4041).

Melatonin & Cortisol Connection

Lack of enough night sleep or low melatonin levels causes cortisol levels to go up (42), a double tragedy that can cause a chain effect on all other hormones that affects weight loss.

Bottom line: Melatonin is one of the most important hormones when it comes to weight loss. Getting enough night sleep is just as important as diet and exercise.

There are so many other diseases that can be caused by interfering with melatonin or lack of sleep. For the sake of this article (weight loss), I will only mention what else can be caused by sleep deprivation or melatonin deficiency.

  1. Depression
  2. Hypertension
  3. Diabetes
  4. Cushing’s syndrome
  5. Cancers (especially Gastrointestinal cancers)
  6. Infertility
  7. Low libido
  8. Heart disease

Why You Should Get Enough Sleep

Effects of Sleep Deprivation & Melatonin Deficiency (Source & Credit: Healthline)

Chapter 10: Progesterone Hormone

You Probably already know progesterone main function is to maintain pregnancy & balance the effects of Estrogen hormone.

We already know that the progesterone hormone counters the effects of estrogen, preventing estrogen dominance. We defined estrogen dominance as a condition where the body has little or no progesterone hormone to counter the effects of the estrogen hormone.

There is more 🙂

Low progesterone levels stimulate aldosterone hormone to hold more sodium (salt) and water inside the cell (43).

Although the evidence was not overwhelming, One research found that progestin-only birth control pills increase weight gain (44)

Another research found that rats given a progesterone metabolite called Allopregnanolone caused weight gain and obesity (45).

Bottom line: It is better to monitor and supplement with DHEA for low testosterone or take testosterone boosting supplements than to mess around with testosterone itself.

Chapter 11: Adiponectin Hormone

Adiponectin is a protein hormone produced by fat cells, which is involved in regulating glucose levels as well as fatty acid breakdown (46).

Adiponectin levels are inversely correlated to body mass index (BMI) (47), meaning the lower the levels, the higher the BMI.

Multiple research studies have demonstrated direct causation of low adiponectin levels to diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis (484950)

American diabetes association research found out that low adiponectin levels increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (51).

How to Increase Adiponectin Levels

1. Increase Consumption of Healthy Fats

Ever heard that to lose fat, you need to eat fats? 🙂

It is true and backed by science. Healthy concentrated fats like Olive oil, Avocados, fish oil and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) can help lose weight, especially, belly fat. It can increase adiponectin by as much as 60%.

Tip. Omega 3-6-9 and CLA supplements can give you a head start.

2. Eat Soluble Fibre

There is overwhelming evidence that eating foods high in soluble fiber helps in weight loss and break weight loss resistance barriers.

Adding soluble fiber in your diet and supplement regimen can increase adiponectin levels by 115% (52).

Tip: Take Psyllium Husks or Glucomannan soluble fiber for noticeable weight loss and belly fat reduction.


Tip: Take Psyllium Husks or Glucomannan soluble fiber for noticeable weight loss and belly fat reduction.

3. Exercise Regularly

Exercise increases adiponectin levels and lowers leptin levels (53). Another research found that regular exercise can increase adiponectin levels by 38% (54,55).

4. Coffee Increases Adiponectin Levels

Coffee is not all that bad, after all. Research has demonstrated that taking coffee increases circulating adiponectin levels and decreases leptin levels (56).

5. Tumeric Increases Adiponectin

Tumeric supplements are known as potent anti-inflammatories. Tumeric is also marketed as a weight loss supplement. Research shows that taking turmeric supplements can inhibit lung cancer by increasing adiponectin levels (57 58, ) Turmeric has also been shown to prevent the onset of diabetes type 2 (59).

6. Red Wine, Grapes & Resveratrol Supplements Increases Adiponectin

Red wine being healthy and prevention of heart diseases are one of the most widely known facts. Resveratrol increases adiponectin levels (60) and can lower leptin levels, lower insulin resistance and prevent diabetes type 2.

Grapes resveratrol has been shown to increase adiponectin levels and lowers the incidence of heart diseases (61).

7. Take food & supplements rich in Zinc

Patients newly diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (high serum cholesterol, obesity, belly fat, insulin resistance) showed to have low serum zinc levels (62).

Low zinc levels were also associated with high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in patients with insulin resistance (63). Zinc supplements significantly decrease adiponectin levels (64).

Bottom Line: A healthy diet and exercise together with proper supplementation can significantly increase adiponectin levels and reduce weight loss resistance, decrease belly fat, risk of diabetes and insulin resistance, and cardiovascular diseases.

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